Sheltering Human Beings

• Oceanside Community with the SPCA has a place for dogs and cats that need care.
North Island Wildlife is the place to bring injured wildlife needing a second chance.

Both places at times it can become messy and chaotic, but both exist doing the best they can. The idea of potential “messiness and chaos” should not be a barrier to providing shelter for human beings in need. Instead, it calls for thoughtful planning, community engagement, and collaboration among various stakeholders to create safe and supportive environments for all individuals, regardless of their species.

It’s essential to recognize the value of compassion, dignity, and empathy when considering the needs of vulnerable populations, including both humans and animals.🕊️🙏

The Spirit of Christmas

The spirit of Christmas embodies love, compassion, and caring, radiating warmth and kindness that has the power to dispel any darkness. It is a time when people come together to celebrate the beauty of giving, selflessness, and empathy. From the joy of giving and receiving to the simple act of sharing a meal with loved ones, Christmas encapsulates the essence of human connection and goodwill.

This season encourages us to extend a helping hand to those in need, to express gratitude, and to show compassion towards others. The twinkling lights, heartfelt carols, and the spirit of generosity create an atmosphere that can uplift even the most desolate of souls, infusing hope and light into the world. This collective outpouring of love and compassion during Christmas has the power to stop any dark spirit in its tracks, replacing it with the enduring brightness of human kindness and unity.

Finding Love in the Darkest Places

The horrifying rainstorm tonight was a sight to behold. Raquel and I we watched as the relentless downpour seemed unending, drenching everything in its path. As I made my way through the streets, I saw so many people in need, their soaked coats offering little protection from the elements. The pounding of rain on them and the glistening pavement painted a disquieting scene.

Despite the chaos of the storm, the church had provided sandwiches which were so welcome, together with other food and and all those warm winter coats and support we were able to give to those most affected. It was heartwarming to witness the selfless acts of kindness and comfort toward the homeless by people who generously shared with those in need. The shock and desperation in people’s eyes reflected the severity of the situation, but amidst it all, there was an unwavering sense of hope and resilience.

As I stood in the rain, offering whatever help I could, I couldn’t help but feel a deep connection to those around me. We were all soaked to the bone, but our spirits remained unbroken. Together, we tried to bring a glimmer of hope to those affected by the storm, knowing that the strength of our collective efforts would make a difference in this challenging time.

In the face of such adversity, the human spirit prevailed, showing compassion, solidarity, and the unwavering determination to provide for one another. Despite the frightening nature of the storm, it was heartening to see the homeless community come together, and to be able to offer what we brought, as well as to share hope amidst the turmoil. Something I will never forget.

You can find love in the darkest places.

Robin Campbell
Manna Homeless Society

** Story picked up locally – VIEW HERE


Why Should I Care About the Homeless?

Caring for homeless people is important for several reasons. Firstly, it’s a matter of compassion and basic human rights. We do it for animals. Only hatred would stop us from caring for our fellow men, women and children.

Everyone deserves to have access to shelter, food, and safety, regardless of their circumstances. Homeless individuals are often vulnerable and face numerous challenges, including exposure to extreme weather conditions, lack of access to healthcare, and increased risk of violence and exploitation.

Secondly, addressing homelessness has broader societal benefits. Providing support and resources to homeless individuals can help reduce the strain on social services, healthcare systems, and law enforcement. It can also contribute to economic stability by helping individuals transition back into the workforce, reducing the burden on emergency services, and potentially lowering crime rates.

Additionally, homelessness is often interconnected with other issues such as mental health, substance abuse, and poverty. By addressing the root causes of homelessness and providing support services, communities can work towards breaking the cycle of poverty and improving overall well-being.

While it is true that some elected officials see the homeless situation as messy and chaotic, and may not prioritize addressing homelessness, public advocacy and community involvement can help raise awareness and influence policy decisions. Working towards systemic changes and advocating for the creation of warming stations and shelters can make a difference in the lives of homeless individuals and contribute to a more healthy and compassionate and equitable society.

Robin Campbell
Manna Homeless Society


One should be wary of the man who instructs others to fear the homeless, the poor, and the drug addicts – his message is rooted in ignorance, prejudice, and a lack of empathy. By spreading fear and suspicion towards vulnerable populations, he perpetuates harmful stereotypes and stigmatizes individuals who are already marginalized. Furthermore, his rhetoric can lead to discrimination, social injustice, and the perpetuation of systemic inequalities. Rather than succumbing to this fear-mongering, it is essential to critically examine the motivations and biases of those who promote such divisive narratives and instead advocate for compassion, understanding, and meaningful solutions to address the complex issues faced by these communities.

Vulnerable Populations During Difficult Economic Times

Historically, people with disabilities have faced significant challenges in accessing support and opportunities for participation in society. This has been a longstanding issue, rooted in systemic barriers and discrimination.

In recent years, there has been some progress in addressing these issues, with advancements in legislation, policies, and initiatives aimed at promoting inclusion and accessibility for individuals with disabilities. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that people with disabilities are housed and have equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and other essential services.

Similarly, poverty and addiction are complex issues that often intersect with one another. Economic hardships can exacerbate substance abuse problems, and individuals facing poverty may struggle to access the resources and support they need to address addiction issues.

Efforts to address these challenges require a comprehensive approach that encompasses social, economic, and healthcare systems. This may involve the implementation of targeted support programs, warming areas as well as extreme weather shelters..
Also an increased access to affordable healthcare and mental health services, as well as measures to alleviate poverty and provide opportunities for socioeconomic advancement.

Additionally, raising awareness, challenging stigma, and fostering community engagement are crucial components of creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for those facing living on the streets and economic hardship, disability, or addiction. By working collectively to promote empathy, understanding, and positive change, we can strive towards a society that better supports all its members, especially those who are most vulnerable.

Robin Campbell
Manna Homeless Society

No Warm Shelter in Oceanside – Now Where Do I Go?

Being forced out of the city where you were born and raised due to circumstances beyond your control can indeed be a traumatic and harrowing experience. It involves not only the physical displacement from familiar surroundings, but also the emotional turmoil of losing one’s sense of belonging and identity.

The horrors of being pushed out of your hometown are compounded when it is due to drug addiction, which can lead to homelessness and other dire consequences. The grip of addiction can deteriorate personal relationships, lead to financial ruin, and isolate individuals from their support systems. As a result, being homeless in a city where you were once rooted can exacerbate feelings of alienation, hopelessness, and despair.

Moreover, being forcibly relocated to an unfamiliar city due to no warming area or extreme weather shelter adds another layer of distress to an already tumultuous situation. The challenges of adapting to a new environment, finding shelter, employment, and accessing necessary support services can be overwhelming for someone who has been uprooted involuntarily. The loss of familiarity, community, and a sense of home can be emotionally devastating.

Additionally, the lack of a social network or connections in the new city can intensify the feeling of isolation and disorientation. Without a safety net, of the warming area and extreme weather shelter individuals may struggle to navigate the complexities of a new urban landscape, worsening their vulnerability and increasing the likelihood of falling deeper into despair.

The psychological toll of such experiences cannot be overstated. The trauma of being cast out from one’s hometown, grappling with addiction, homelessness, and then being relocated to a strange city because that city doesn’t want to care for all of it citizens, can lead to profound emotional suffering. It can erode one’s sense of self-worth, induce anxiety and depression, and create barriers to seeking help and rebuilding a stable life.

Ultimately, the horrors of this experience underscore the need for compassionate and comprehensive support systems that address not only the immediate material needs of those affected but also their emotional well-being and sense of belonging. It highlights the importance of holistic approaches to rehabilitation and reintegration, as well as the necessity of addressing systemic issues such as addiction, poverty, and social marginalization.

Robin Campbell
Manna Homeless Society

Lack of Shelter for the Poor in Extreme Weather Represents Serious Failure

The consequences of a city not having a warming station and an extreme weather shelter for the poor can be severe and have far-reaching negative impacts. The lack of such facilities exposes vulnerable individuals to life-threatening conditions during extreme weather events, leading to elevated risks of hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold-related health issues. It also perpetuates systemic inequalities and exacerbates the cycle of poverty by failing to provide crucial support to those in need.

Furthermore, the absence of a warming station and a extreme weather shelter for the poor reflects poorly on the city’s commitment to protecting its most marginalized residents. It signifies a failure of duty to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, regardless of their socio-economic status. This negligence not only undermines the city’s moral responsibility but also tarnishes its reputation as a compassionate and inclusive community.

The repercussions of this failure may include loss of public trust in local government, increased criticism from advocacy groups and the media, and potential legal liabilities resulting from preventable harm to individuals experiencing homelessness or poverty. Moreover, there is a risk of broader social unrest and dissatisfaction among citizens who expect their local authorities to address critical social issues effectively.

In addition to these ethical and reputational concerns, the economic costs of not providing adequate shelter during extreme weather events cannot be overlooked. Emergency medical services, law enforcement, and social support systems may experience heightened strain as a result of preventable cold-related emergencies, contributing to increased public expenditures and decreased overall community well-being.

In conclusion, the absence of a warming station and a extreme weather shelter for the poor represents a serious failure on the part of the city to fulfill its obligations to its most vulnerable residents. The consequences are wide-ranging, encompassing ethical, reputational, legal, and economic dimensions. Urgent action and investment in appropriate infrastructure and support services are necessary to rectify this situation and prevent further harm to individuals in need.

Robin Campbell
Manna Homeless Society

SPCA for Animals – Why not SPCH for Humans?!

The cruelty of denying humans shelter in cold weather while providing it for dogs, cats, and wildlife highlights a significant disparity in our treatment of different species. This discrepancy raises questions about our ethical responsibilities towards fellow humans and the concept of humanity itself. By prioritizing the well-being of certain animals over that of our own species, we reveal a troubling aspect of our collective priorities and values. It prompts reflection on the interconnectedness of all living beings and challenges us to reevaluate the ways in which we define and demonstrate compassion, empathy, and justice. In this context, we are confronted with the question of what type of animals we, as humans, truly are – whether we are capable of transcending self-interest and extending care and protection to all beings, regardless of their species.

The act of cruelty towards people by withholding care and not providing a warm environment is deeply detrimental to our society. By neglecting the well-being of others, we are not only setting ourselves up for disaster, but we are also perpetuating a cycle of suffering. Cruelty breeds feelings of rage, pain, and intense suffering, ultimately leading to a breakdown in human relationships and societal harmony. It is essential to recognize that compassion and empathy are crucial components of a healthy and functioning community. By prioritizing care and creating warm, supportive environments for one another, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate society, thereby mitigating the detrimental effects of cruelty and nurturing positive and empathetic interactions.

Robin Campbell
Manna Homeless Society 

Residents of Oceanside Suffering without Support

In a country like Canada, the following scenario seems almost impossible…

The Manna crew sets out on the first snowfall of the season to see if they can locate people living on the street who need assistance. They will drive around until midnight. They come across a person outside who has a heart condition and kidney problems and has no feeling in his legs or feet.

Unable to see the bottoms of his feet, he could not see the effects of the blood thinners he was taking. His skin was falling off. We (Manna) held his leg up trying to stop the bleeding as he had no feeling and couldn’t see what was going on. The concern was that he might have bled out if someone had not arrived. The ambulance was called and Manna volunteers departed, continuing their search for others in distress.


This person does not smoke and is not a drug addict. Simply someone who desperately needs support. But there is no safety net in Canada for him during this cold and wet weather. Once he leaves the hospital, he must return to living on the street. With all of these health conditions and physical suffering, we must ask ourselves why animals get more support than humans in this country.