Our Mission
Since 2011, the mission of the Manna Homeless Society is to provide food, survival equipment and temporary housing in hopes of also meeting our long term goal of providing permanent housing. We work with other associations and agencies to meet the needs of the homeless. Our 100% volunteer-run mobile service enables us to meet people where they are at. We respond to calls for help 365 days a year.

Our Board of Directors
Robin Campbell
Stormy Sweet Huggins
Raquel Molina
Vice President
George O’Conner
Board Member
Jerrold Paetkau
Andrew Cotton
Board Member
Our Videos (3)
A Day in the Life of a Manna Volunteer
Find out what Robin learns as he reaches out to members in the community and offers whatever he can on behalf of Manna.
A Glimpse Into Homelessness
Follow Sylvia’s experience of spending 2 1/2 days on the street as she tries to get a glimpse into what it’s like to be homeless.
"To Die For"
This video informs viewers about drugs, the dangers of doing illicit drugs given the current fentanyl overdose deaths, especially in the Oceanside area, naloxone (an overdose-reversal solution), signs of a drug overdose and resources available in the Oceanside area of Vancouver Island, Canada.
CONTENT WARNING: Please be advised that this video contains potentially disturbing information and sights that may be difficult for some viewers.