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Announcing Manna Community Care Mobile

Manna will soon be providing mobile medical advice to the impoverished and homeless within the Oceanside community. Most of the homeless presently do not have access to medical services. All going well, the “Manna Community Care Mobile” will be set up and ready to go by April, 2017. Our volunteer nurses will be providing basic medical advice at no charge. Naloxone will also be distributed to those who choose to use. Stay tuned for updates.

In the mean time we have a wish list for the donation of the following items:

For administration and education: Laptop computer and iPad

Medical supplies: Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, tympanic thermometer, box of tongue depressors, saline, rubber gloves, face masks, box of alcohol swabs, hydrogen peroxide, 2×2 and 4×4 wound dressing, band aids, cotton balls, antibiotic ointment, hand disinfectant, Lysol swabs, small flash lights, reading glasses, thermos and earthquake kit supplies.

If you are able to help please contact us at

Robin Campbell

Manna Homeless Society

Donations can be made by e-transfer:

Or cheques can be sent to:

Manna Homeless Society

P.O. Box 389

Errington BC VOR 1VO

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