Back to School
There is a popular expression, “You’re never too old to learn.” So maybe there is hope for me learning Pickle Ball. With Manna, we’ve been applying this adage forever. Each year, we’ve been approached by local schools to assist with needs witnessed in the families whose children attend them. Through the generousity of our community, we’ve been able to supply children’s coats, gloves, and toques, breakfast and lunch supplies, food coupons and specialized assistance.
In one school this year, we’ve been able to help provide over 100 weekly meal supplies – fruit cups, soup cups, breakfast bars, KD cups – and additional help with their weekend “Backpack Food Program,” by offering soups, peanut butter, chili, pasta with sauce, and granola bars. In another school, we were able to offer QF coupons for a family suddenly unemployed and nearly homeless. This has been possible from the continual support we receive from our community – Thank you!