In Honour and In Memory of a Son Who Helped Others

This past week, Manna was given fourteen pair of boots to distribute to those who need winter and rain footwear. But the story behind the boots is most valuable.
Jerrold was able to meet a woman Home Care apprentice last week tag teaming with his mother-in-law’s Wednesday Care Aid. Dorothy, Jerrold’s mother-in-law, explained about Manna and the work we do, so the woman was interested in finding out more information.
In the course of the conversation, she revealed that her son, living in Ontario, dealt with mental health issues, had been clean but OD’ed alone in a hotel room about five weeks ago. She wanted to do something special in honour of his memory because her son had been helping people live with him off the street as they sought to overcome their issues.
The woman’s classmates joined the cause, and together purchased the boots to be handed out to those in desperate need. Fourteen people will appreciate the boots and we’ll tell the story in memory of a son who loved others.