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Manna News – September, 2022

Beth and George should be retiring this year – but they can’t. A work accident rendered George’s back useless for continued labour jobs. With no formal education, injury compensation, or options, George is left trying to pick up odd cash jobs. Beth has bounced from job to job with difficulty getting along with people, particularly educated supervisors who are younger and less competent than she is. They can’t afford rent and never bought a house, had two kids, and live in a fifth wheel.

Last month their son died. He was thirty-six. Tim grew up watching his parents struggle and vowed to be different. He started his own business and succeeded. Got married, had kids, and started taking drugs to combat the inner voices of despair, doubt, depression, and discouragement. Tim never felt good enough. He lost his home, his wife and kids, his business, and his way. Tim always seemed to be happy, but that façade was masking a deep hurt that was soothed only, Tim thought, with drugs. He learned to “cook” his own supply and sell some to friends for spending cash. Something went wrong and Tim was overcome by the fumes where his mom found him dead on the floor of his cabin.

Beth and George’s daughter refuses to have anything to do with her family. She’s escaped and never wants to come back. But she too is hurting, hiding, and huddling from help – hoping that by remaining busy as a mom and business owner she will never have to face her past or deal with the present heartache of a dead drug-addled brother and parents in destitution.

Manna has supplied bikes for transportation to Beth, George, and Tim – each twice – the bikes get broken or stolen but were still necessary for getting to work or doctors’ appointments – so we try to help. Manna has provided weekly groceries for the past five years in hopes of encouraging self-sustainability and a sense of being valued, respected, and treasured by friends who do not judge, condemn, or marginalize.

There is no happy-ever-after ending to this story or the stories of those represented in this story. Poverty of the Soul has robbed individuals of hope. Poverty of the Mind has stunted creativity for problem-solving. Poverty of the Spirit has erased future possibilities and instilled an overwhelming sense of victimization.

At Manna, we believe God loves all creation. Toward everyone God extends value, a sense of being treasured, respected, cared for, comforted, honoured, trusted, and endowed with creative responsibility. God is actively seeking to demonstrate that kind of love to everyone – but it takes courage to be vulnerably loved like God wants to love all His children.

How to help:

  1. Pray for our friends who live in vulnerable, marginalized situations that they may find hope through Manna’s encouragement and help to move from surviving to thriving.

  2. Contribute to the ongoing wholesale food purchasing Manna is able to do through QF so that each donation reaches further into our community.

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