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Manna Wednesdays at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen

Each Wednesday, Manna Homeless Society is able to offer our friends at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen an opportunity to stock up on weekend groceries and a chance to socialize with volunteers who believe in them. Our morning begins with a Blessing – a brief example from the Bible that highlights God’s amazing love for all of us. Then, we offer food and clothing – for all to ‘take what you need’ – with the chance to ‘catch up’ with each other on a week’s worth of activity. Pinky has spent some time in the hospital, and each week our friends are concerned for his health and thankful when he’s back. For many, our Manna Wednesdays at the Soup Kitchen is a time for forming a community of support – we worry about our friends and they worry about us – and together we know that God loves us.

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