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Oceanside Homeless in the News

The following links are to newspaper articles featuring the homeless of Oceanside.
(Articles that also include recognition for Manna’s work with the homeless may be found here. Dates: 2011-2016)

John Harding, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2016-11-03

The Parksville Rotary Club’s executive and directors voted unanimously to donate their Beachfest money to Manna, which provides clothes, tents, food and other items to the homeless and needy of the region.

John Harding, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2016-10-20

Manna provides the needy of Parksville Qualicum Beach with tents, clothing, footwear — as many items as they can get from generous individuals and companies in the region. Campbell said Manna is seeing an increase in the number of people taking advantage of their hand-outs.“We are seeing more elderly, women and youth than ever before,” said Campbell.

Auren Ruvinsky, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2015-10-25

He said their used bike program is going great, having passed more than 100 bikes on from people who weren’t using them to people throughout the region who now use them as essential transportation.

Robin Campbell (our co-founder), Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2015-09-24

There is no one solution to the problems of the less fortunate in Parksville Qualicum Beach, but with the community’s continued help we will continue to serve the less fortunate seven days a week with 100 per cent volunteer help and with all gifts and money going directly to the less fortunate.

John Harding, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2015-09-24

Daniel Farmer would enjoy having a more traditional place to lay his head at night.For now, he’s thankful for the large, old willow tree on city-owned property at the corner of Jensen Avenue and the Alberni Highway. He’s also grateful for the tent provided to him by the Manna Homeless Society.

Candace Wu, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2015-05-07

“The Manna Van covers a huge umbrella and so does the SOS and the Salvation Army, but they’re still not meeting the amount of homeless people there are,” she said.

Lissa Alexander, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2014-06-10

Robin Campbell with Manna Homeless Society is asking the public to donate their old bikes (in good working order) to people in need.[…]“I know so many people that need bikes and it will change their quality of life—it will just be so wonderful,” he said.

Lissa Alexander, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2014-04-01

The Oceanside Task Force on Homelessness started four years ago when Robin Campbell showed the Qualicum Beach mayor a home video showing the deplorable conditions where some local residents were living.Campbell, who also co-founded Manna Homeless Society, was giving out food and survival gear to local people in the video. After watching it, the mayor, Teunis Westbroek, gave it to then-Parksville mayor, Ed Mayne.“Ed Mayne watched it and he told me when he saw it that he cried,” Westbroek said at a public meeting held by the Task Force in Parksville on Thursday.

Lissa Alexander, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2014-03-13

Homeless co-ordinator Sarah Poole said one of the biggest gaps in services for homeless and those at risk of homelessness in the area is consistent food service.“There’s no (free) breakfast, there’s limited dinners and on the weekend there’s nothing.”That’s why Robin Campbell and Karras started parking the Manna Homeless Van on the streets of Parksville Saturday mornings four years ago, she said.

Lissa Alexander, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2014-02-27

Witten, her partner and her step-daughter, make use of local services including the Manna Homeless Society’s van that provides donated food and other survival gear to those that are homeless and living in poverty Saturday mornings on Hirst Street in Parksville.

Lissa Alexander, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2013-11-28

Campbell and Steve Karras have been stocking the van with food, blankets and other equipment for the homeless and those in need for the last four years, parking on the streets of Parksville Saturday mornings with a sign reading “Free Food.”Everything they give out is donated and they are often short on the necessities, which right now includes tents, sleeping bags and other cold weather gear.

Auren Ruvinsky, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2012-11-16

The NEWS met Bob while he was being helped by Robin Campbell and the Mana Ministries van, which circulates in the region distributing basic emergency supplies like tents and sleeping bags, which Campbell said they could always use more of.

Woman in her 60s, her cat and dog, living under a tarp in ErringtonBrad Bird, Oceanside Star, 2012-03-29 [Article no longer online]

Len Nixon has some news for people who don’t know or think there are homeless people in Oceanside.He has a homeless woman living in his backyard in Errington, he said Wednesday, and has been doing all he can to help her find accommodation.[…]Nixon said Robin Campbell of Manna Ministry has been helping her with supplies, and other church people offered her a tent, which she declined.

Storms hurting the needy

Brenda Gough, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2012-01-24 [Article no longer online]

Campbell said the people his ministry try to assist are not alcoholics or drug addicts, they are just people down on their luck.“Some of them have been abused, some have lost their jobs and some have jobs but it is not enough to support their families.”

Helping the homeless

Lissa Alexander, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, 2011-09-09 [Article no longer online]

The homeless in our area need tents, food and medical attention, according to Robin Campbell at Manna Ministry, and the organization is putting out a plea to the public to step forward with donations.

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