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Residents of Oceanside Suffering without Support

In a country like Canada, the following scenario seems almost impossible…

The Manna crew sets out on the first snowfall of the season to see if they can locate people living on the street who need assistance. They will drive around until midnight. They come across a person outside who has a heart condition and kidney problems and has no feeling in his legs or feet.

Unable to see the bottoms of his feet, he could not see the effects of the blood thinners he was taking. His skin was falling off. We (Manna) held his leg up trying to stop the bleeding as he had no feeling and couldn’t see what was going on. The concern was that he might have bled out if someone had not arrived. The ambulance was called and Manna volunteers departed, continuing their search for others in distress.

This person does not smoke and is not a drug addict. Simply someone who desperately needs support. But there is no safety net in Canada for him during this cold and wet weather. Once he leaves the hospital, he must return to living on the street. With all of these health conditions and physical suffering, we must ask ourselves why animals get more support than humans in this country.

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