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The Most Vulnerable

Manna’s heartbeat has always been: “providing hope and help to the most vulnerable in our community.”

For many years we’ve been offering assistance to those living rough on the streets. We’ve passed along donated clothing – socks, toques, coats, gloves, rain gear, shoes, and boots – whenever requested. We’ve provided weekly groceries to the marginalized, food hampers to families, food gift cards to the bereaved, and lunch supplies for hungry kids at local schools. This Fall, we’ve already stoked a local school with lunch and breakfast supplies for the next few months as they anticipate feeding twenty or thirty kids two meals each day.

We’re gathering clothing in anticipation of the winter – warm coats, boots, toques, gloves, rain gear, and socks – so give if you can toward these projects.

But, we feel there is more to do.

Regularly we hear stories of Seniors living in tough situations but unwilling to reach out for help. Seniors who need to sell heirlooms to survive. We hear of Seniors sharing apartments, skipping meals, forsaking medications, and staying away from social contacts. They need your help – and we need your help to find them.

Manna believes that God loves, honours, cherishes, treasures, cares for, comforts, and trusts all people and wants them to experience this kind of love every day. God says in the Bible to love others as we have been loved – so at Manna we also want to honour, cherish, treasure, care for, comfort and trust all whom we contact.

This is where we need your help:

Spread the word to everyone to encourage any Senior struggling to buy groceries to contact Manna (250-248-0845) and we will provide a grocery hamper – we can bring cooking supplies, canned goods, dried goods, flour, and rice – to stock up for self-sustainability.

Sometimes everyone just needs a “hand-up” – some encouragement and assistance to keep going. We’ll offer encouragement and when necessary we’ll offer food – all we need is for people to contact us.

Please help our community of Seniors to reach out to Manna if they are struggling and we’ll do all we can to support, encourage, comfort, care for, and provide for them.

Together we can provide hope and help to the most vulnerable in our community.

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