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Covid-19 Response

We’ve been offering food supplies from the Manna Van every Wednesday at the soup kitchen since Covid restrictions made our regular Saturday distribution difficult to maintain. This has resulted in a steady supply of groceries but a reduction in the ability to provide a sense of ‘community’. This spring we also began to have regular stops at the Smithers RV park – and increased our visits from once a month to weekly.

I’m not sure about involving other groups with sandwiches/soup at this time – I will hold off on that offer until regulations are totally lifted, and the ownership welcomes us coming with more people and resources.

I was reminded last week of Friends of Manna who perished during this pandemic isolated season. In Smithers RV park, I was told that about 9 people have died this past year – drug overdose, but from loneliness and feelings of isolation. Many of them had been ‘clean’ for extended periods, but in their bid to cope, had OD’ed.

[names have been changed] Neil was one of our friends who died. At Orca – Simon passed, and I led his memorial a few months back. Last week I learned of Big John, and two weeks before that of Paul [Pam’s husband]. Candice, at Smithers, recorded on her phone answering message, her loss of a family member. I don’t know all the ones who have died during Covid, but while the media would chalk it up to ‘drug addict overdosing’, I know the root cause was loneliness, feeling abandoned, and the fear of no one caring.

For this reason, Manna plays an important role in our community. We offer non-judgemental support and encouragement, assistance to contact community resources and government help, and the underpinning of hope.

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