New Opportunity at Smithers Road RV Park
Over the course of the past four weeks, we’ve been able to expand our supports, and respond to an invitation from the Smithers RV ownership to attend there weekly. We’re now going to Smithers at 10:30 on Wednesday morning before continuing on to the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen at 12:00. Wednesday has proven to be a valuable time to offer assistance – often community support people are at the Soup Kitchen, and we can introduce them to our friends and follow up with their treatment plans.
Wednesdays have become our new distribution time-slot. I’ve witnessed, and been told, that city bylaw officers discourage the weekend appearance of people who ‘may be homeless’. Even through the week, bylaw vehicles regularly patrol the Soup Kitchen to insure ‘disbursement’ by 1:00. With our open door invitation to Smithers, we have the opportunity to explore ways to support over 60 living units. Many are living there because of a limited retirement income, some have disability from work related injuries, some are on welfare with mental health challenges that prevent regular and steady employment. Yes, there are those who ‘do drugs’ – but these friends are often trying to mask their physical or emotional pain.
I think we can begin to welcome more volunteers on Wednesday to help with the distribution of resources, creating friendships, and providing hope.